Adult Ministries

Countryside offers many opportunities for adults to lead and learn through a variety of ministry teams, small groups, bible studies, and mission work.

Find your perfect fit through Group Finder and begin building relationships with other adults who will nurture your relationship with God.

More information about small groups and prayer & study is available below.

For information about music opportunities, click here.

For information on worship leadership, click here.

For information about missions & outreach, click here.

Prayer & Study

Getting Acquainted with your Bible: this Bible study meets twice a month on Tuesdays from 1:30-3:00pm in room 4 and studies the Bible cover to cover.

Lectionary Bible Study: this Bible study meets Mondays from 10:00-11:00am in room 4 to study and discuss the Scripture passages from the Upper Room daily devotional.

Making Connections Bible Study: Led by Rev. Nancy Gammill, this study includes the Old & New Testament and how they are connected ('Making Connections"!) This group meets at Café Quetzal (21st & Belle) the 3rd Monday of every month during program months.

You may view more information and request to join by going to Group Finder.