Sunday School: classes for all ages are offered on Sunday mornings.
Check our Group Finder for the most up-to-date class descriptions and sign up today!
United Methodist Men: United Methodist Men (UMM) Contact Gary Robbins or Paul Swank for more information.
United Methodist Women: Various United Women in Faith (UWF) circles meet throughout the month. The organized unit of the UWF is a community of women who seeks to connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship, and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities. Contact Aurelie Sanders for more information or go to Group Finder to learn more about the various UWF "circle" groups & join one today!
Other Small Groups: Countryside also offers a variety of book clubs: Bookworms, Ya-ya Readers, Fun & Fellowship, and Linden Tree Readers.
Financial Peace University is a 9-week small group experience that explores budgeting, paying off debt, tithing, stewardship and planning for the future. Contact Paul Swank.