Be a Worship Leader!

Countryside welcomes you to participate in worship as a leader in a variety different ways. Show your smile to members and guests as a Greeter. Assist with seating and collect offering by being an Usher. Offer prayer during worship. Share the cup and  bread during Holy Communion. Run our audio visual computers and equipment.  Join one of our bell or vocal choirs. Share your love for music in Orchestra or Praise Band. We have many ways for you to share your talents with others during Worship!

Page down for more details, or click on the link above for music specific opportunities!

Worship Leader Opportunities


Why not let your light shine?! Countryside greeters are our friendly ambassadors, sharing  smiles and handshakes. Always welcoming to all God's children - every single Sunday and every day in between. Assist with opening doors, hanging coats, answering questions and more. Help at our Welcome Center by providing: directions around the church, information on current activities and events, assistance with special registrations and more! Contact Brenda to get started.


Before, during and after worship services at 8:30, 9:45 & 11:00am, Countryside ushers help welcome people into a time of worship by offering bulletin information, assistive devices and help find an open seat! They also participate in the collection and our offering of monetary gifts. After services, ushers assist visitors out of our space of worship with friendly wishes for  rest of the week to come. Jamie will help you get connected with an usher leader so you can start right away!


Prayer is an important part of our discipleship.  We have prayer warriors who pray on a regular basis for those who are on the concern list.  If you are interested in joining this group in praying for others, please contact Frank Towle. 


We would love to have your join our team of rotating volunteers who participate in Holy Communion. Countryside serves Holy Communion the 1st week of every month as well as during special services and sacraments such as Advent, Christmas, Lent and Holy Week. Serve at one of several stations to offer bread or the cup and be a special part of these blessings! Contact Jamie for more information.

Audio Visual Technicians

Run the sound board, show videos & record worship! We are always looking to welcome new Worship Leaders to our Audio Video Technician team. Technicians are responsible for running our computer systems to broadcast and record both audio and visual components during worship services. Please contact us if you want to share your experience and talent!

If you are a trained technician, please click here to sign up to volunteer on Sundays.