Outreach Ministries

Countryside United Methodist Church offers mission and outreach ministries as the foundation for spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. We are all partners in God's mission and are all called to participate. God's light shines in every corner of the earth, and God's mission extends to all creation. There are no places in the world where God is not present, only places where God in Christ is not yet known, acknowledged, served or heeded. Partnership in God's mission means being in mission as God is in mission.

It is global in focus and local in expression. In the United Methodist tradition, it is also connectional in representation.

Christian discipleship is patterned after the servant-hood of Jesus, who cared for the sick, fed the hungry, and befriended the outcast.

Please explore opportunities to serve through Countryside. We work in partnership with our local schools, support other local ministries, share our gifts with our communities, and offer help to those in need. For more information please take a look through our website,

or feel free to contact Brenda Bauman Swank, Mission Coordinator.


We look forward to serving with you through Christ!

More Ways to Serve!

  • health & care

    Medical Equipment Loan

    Medical equipment loans are available for items such as wheelchairs, walkers, bathing & toiletry assistance and more. Contact the church office (785-266-7541) to request a loan.

    Congregational Care Ministry (CCM) is a specially trained group of volunteers that make hospital and nursing home visits. They deliver a time of encouraging fellowship, prayer and cards. Contact Rev. Jeff Potter for more information.

  • outreach

    Stepping Out in Service (SOS)

    arrangements can be made for transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping as well as assisting at home with simple tasks for persons needing it. Please contact the church office (785-266-7541) for assistance, or volunteer opportunities.

    Sunday Drivers & Riders

    Volunteers provide transportation to the 11:00am Sunday service.

    If you would like a ride to church, please call 785-266-7541 and we will be happy to arrange a ride for you to and from the 11am service each Sunday.

    Also, if you live East of California Street and would please consider picking up one person on your way to the 11am service please call us to discuss. God Bless all Riders & Drivers!

  • other ministries

    Card Making Team

    Card ministry reaches out to members of the congregation with cards to those who celebrate 70+ birthdays, significant anniversaries and those who experience a loss. If you are interested in creating cards or volunteering as a part of the distribution team, contact Elaine Shutt.

    Prayer Shawl Ministry

    Members of this team work at their own pace in knitting prayer shawls to be delivered to those hospitalized, ill or who have experienced a significant loss.

    Please contact the church (785-266-7541) to become a part of this team, or request a prayer shawl delivery.