Senior Sippers meets at 10:00am on first Thursdays at Cafe Quetzal, 2111 SW Belle Ave, Suite A & B. Great fellowship time while sipping on coffee etc.
See below for more opportunities!
Senior Adult Ministries
Senior Sippers meets at 10:00am on first Thursdays at Cafe Quetzal, 2111 SW Belle Ave, Suite A & B. Great fellowship time while sipping on coffee etc.
See below for more opportunities!
Activities for Senior Adults
Spark plugs
Spark Plugs is a 55+ adult fellowship group that meets the 4th Tuesday of the month (March through November) at 6:00 p.m. in Countryside's Celebration Center for a potluck meal and educational program.
Join in on the fun!
Health & care
Blood Pressure Clinics
available on Sunday mornings from 9:00-9:30am and 10:30-11:00am in the Caring & Health Ministries office. Health care professionals take and record blood pressure readings for those concerned about monitoring blood pressures.
Medical Equipment Loan
Medical equipment loans are available for items such as wheelchairs, walkers, bathing & toiletry assistance and more. Contact the church office (785-266-7541) to request a loan.
Congregational Care Ministry (CCM) is a specially trained group of volunteers that make hospital and nursing home visits. They deliver a time of encouraging fellowship, prayer and cards. Contact us for more information.
Stepping Out in Service (SOS)
arrangements can be made for transportation to medical appointments, grocery shopping as well as assisting at home with simple tasks for persons needing it. Please contact the church office (785-266-7541) for assistance, or volunteer opportunities.
Sunday Drivers & Riders
Volunteers provide transportation to the 11:00am Sunday service.
If you would like a ride to church, please call 785-266-7541 and we will be happy to arrange a ride for you to and from the 11am service each Sunday.
God Bless all Riders & Drivers!
other ministries
Card Making Team
Card ministry reaches out to members of the congregation with cards to those who celebrate 70+ birthdays, significant anniversaries and those who experience a loss. If you are interested in creating cards or volunteering as a part of the distribution team, contact Elaine Shutt.
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Members of this team work at their own pace in knitting prayer shawls to be delivered to those hospitalized, ill or who have experienced a significant loss.
Please the church to become a part of this team or request a prayer shawl delivery.