Why Give?
It's a spiritual issue
Stewardship is directly linked to discipleship. How we use our resources is a spiritual issue- not just a financial one. The quality of that decision is determined by the spiritual condition of your heart.
Jesus talked about it
Jesus spoke openly about the issue of money and possessions. Approximately two-thirds of the parables and about one of every ten verses in the Gospel accounts address this very issue. As followers of Jesus, we should not be reluctant to talk about giving as an outward expression of our commitment to Christ.
It's not about the budget
The temptation in stewardship campaigns is to approach the financial needs of the church from a fundraising perspective to fund a budget. Our stewardship perspective places more emphasis on the spiritual nature of the effort. God does not need our money; rather, we need to give it as an act of thanksgiving and trust.
It's about trust
As we grow in grace, we learn to depend less on ourselves and more on God to relinquish attitudes and habits that impede our relationship with God.
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