Mission Ministry Opportunities

Countryside UMC was started as a missional church 60 years ago and has an inherent DNA that includes mission and outreach to the community. As a whole, our Countryside congregation is blessed with financial abundance and a culture of giving that is faithful and responsible in stewardship. We have great opportunity to continue to develop our financial generosity through creative stewardship and endowment strategies. And we are challenged to continue to develop a generous and diverse missional response to human need in our city, nation and world.


Celebrate! We say “We are called to be a church of Blessing”. Countryside has REALLY answered that call. We should take a look back, and celebrate what you have accomplished over the last few months.

The Christmas project to collect gifts for foster kids in our area was an amazing success. You provided gifts to brighten Christmas for 600 foster kids. Wow!

Our monthly Hunger Offering is a really big deal. Last year you donated almost $14,500. These funds were split locally to help stock food pantries at Doorstep, Let’s Help, I-Care, and Fellowship and Faith. A portion was also sent to the Great Plains Conference Hunger Fund. You helped feed hundreds of needy people all over our community, and across the conference.

Your support for the Souper Bowl of Caring food drive collected over 700 pounds of soup, crackers, and other food to help stock the food pantry at Doorstep. Only one church in Topeka collected more food. (Next year we will beat those Presbyterians). You also donated a lot of clothing and other needed items for our School Ministry team to provide for area school children.

You have provided much needed financial support for our missionaries in Guatemala, and for the Angel House orphanage and school in Tanzania.

We have provided volunteers to serve meals for people living at the Topeka Rescue Mission. We also provided volunteers and direct funding to help feed hundreds of our neighbors through the I-Care food bank at Highland Park UMC.

Our March project was to collect household items to help homeless people transition into stable housing through Cornerstone. You donated four SUV loads of household goods to help these people.

This is not even a complete list of the good works coming from groups at Countryside.

Jesus might say “well done good and faithful servants”.

Countryside is truly a Missions Powerhouse. On behalf of the hundreds of people that you have blessed over the past few months, Thank You from your Missions team.

  • Doorstep, inc.

    Located at 1119 SW. 10th Street in Topeka, Doorstep provides comprehensive emergency assistance including food, utility assistance, prescriptions, clothing and transportation for those in need. Countryside assists in staffing the clothing bank during the month of October and supports Doorstep throughout the year with collections of needed items for clients. Opportunities also exist during the year to support Doorstep's fundraisers. For more information, contact us at cumc@countrysideumc.org

  • topeka rescue mission

    Topeka Rescue Mission located at 600 N. Kansas Ave. is "faith with its sleeves rolled up"! Countryside sends a team of volunteers every first Friday of the month to help serve evening meals to visitors and guests of the mission. Additionally, Countryside collects and donates food and clothing during the year; once a year is specifically targeted to meeting the needs of babies and young children. For more information on how you can help serve, please contact Mary Dunbar.

  • I Care, inc. fOOD Pantry

    I Care is located at 2914 SE Michigan Ave. Their mission is to provide emergency food, other support services and assistance to persons in need residing in SE Topeka and Shawnee County.  Countryside collects and donates food throughout the year.  

  • Ronald mcdonald house charities

    Ronald McDonald House Charities is located at 825 SW Buchanan Street.  They provide families of ill or injured children 21 years of age and younger who are receiving medical treatment in the area hospitals a place to live.  They provide temporary housing in an eight-bedroom, historic Ronald McDonald House near the city's medical community, multiple families can enjoy a home-away-from-home for the duration of their loved one's care at an affordable alternative to corporate housing. Countryside collected and donates household items throughout the year. 

  • Positive Connections

    Positive Connections' mission is to advocate and provide comprehensive services to individuals who are impacted by HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted infections and Hepatitis C.  They are dedicated to serving a diverse community, and take an intentional approach to ensure that all of our clients are given the support they need to live full and meaningful lives.  Countryside helps them financially throughout the year. 

  • Harvesters community food network

    Harvesters provides food and related household products to more than 760 nonprofit agencies including emergency food pantries, community kitchens, homeless shelters, children's homes and others.  They offer education programs to increase community awareness of hunger and teach about good nutrition.  Countryside partners with them through donation and volunteer work.

  • Let's Help

    Let's Help is committed to helping people achieve self-sufficiency and break the cycle of poverty through comprehensive emergency services, education, employment programs, free community lunches, food pantries, clothing banks and career closets.  These programs reach tens of thousand of people each year and involve hundreds of volunteers.  Together, we are building a better community. 

Supporting Missionaries Locally & Globally

Countryside supports the work of missionaries here and abroad.

Sandra K Raasch, Belize is a missionary of the general Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church. 

Angel House Children's Home & School, is a mission with the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church, serving children in Tanzania, Africa.

ODIM, The Organization for the Development of the Indigenous Maya, is a non-profit organization that works to enable access to healthcare & preventative health education to the people of San Pablo La Laguna & San Juan La Laguna.


Countryside also supports:

Fellowship & Faith in East Topeka, as well as many area schools and help agencies throughout the Topeka community.