1. Will the renovated children’s space be shared with the Preschool?
Yes, our improvements upgrade and help all our children’s ministries. Our space will continue to be heavily used for children on
a daily basis.
2. How does the Ministry Architect assessment impact these projects?
• The assessments have shown that our facilities are a key constraint on our effectiveness to welcome new people
and care for our children.
• A safe check in station for children and a large space equipped for children’s worship are vital tools for today.
• Clear main entrances that lead into welcome areas so new people easily find the gathering they are looking for and support our hospitality with an invitation into deeper connection.
• Investment in our worship spaces with updated technology provide required tools for presenting the gospel.
3. Will we retain the parlor and the chapel?
Yes. There would be sliding doors that can
be closed off for functions in these spaces.
4. Why are we adding a canopy to the east entrance?
This will help create a visual focus of the church’s front door and help our guests know how to enter. It will also provide shelter from weather when dropping off/picking up people.
5. Will the Celebration Center be used for other activities?
By upgrading the usage of the stage with lower slide out addition, the Celebration floor space is
not compromised. We may replace the drop-down
basketball goal on the stage end with a portable one. Otherwise the celebration center will be available for our current uses.
6. Why is it important to upgrade the Celebration Center?
This will send the message to guests that this worship style/service is as valued as our worship space in the sanctuary and will be a key element in our mission to reach families with children and youth who may prefer this style of worship.
7. What happens if we do not raise enough to address all of the proposed projects?
After the campaign is finished and we know what resources are available, we will review our priority list and decide whether to wait on some parts of the project or incur some indebtedness.
8. Will there be long-term debt (debt not covered by campaign commitments?)
Our hope is that the commitments will be sufficient to cover the costs of all the projects.
If not, a prudent amount of long-term debt may be considered in order to complete a priority project. The feasibility study showed there would be support for this decision.
9. When and how will final decisions be made?
The United Methodist Church provides a clear process for us to follow. Upon completion of the campaign, the following steps will be taken:
• The architect will complete final construction documents and the project will go out for competitive bidding.
• The Building Committee will make final recommendations regarding the projects.
• A financial plan will be prepared, including a construction loan.
• The final drawings and financial plan will
be presented to a Church Conference
for approval.
10. When would construction begin? Will it happen all at once or in stages?
The hope is that much of the construction would happen throughout the summer of 2021. Some projects could be started sooner as funds are available. The process for upgrading the technology in the Sanctuary has already started with the help of early pledges.
11. How long does the campaign last?
Commitment Sunday will be on October 25 and results announced on November 22. The giving period will last for three years, during which people can fulfill their commitment at whatever schedule suits them.
12. Why are we doing the campaign during the pandemic?
While COVID-19 has introduced a new challenge, it has been said that there is never a ‘perfect time’ to initiate a capital campaign. Our Ministry Plan includes critical updates to our facility. Moving forward now will enable us to begin work on the renovations in preparation for being ready next fall to reopen our Preschool. Waiting could result in losing another year of this ministry.
13. What is the timeline for the Annual Fall Campaign?
We will be inviting everyone to offer their Estimate of Giving Card to the 2021 Annual Generosity for Ministry Campaign on Commitment Sunday, Oct. 25. This is the same day commitments to the 2020 Vision Capital Campaign will be made. Countryside members are encouraged to make their giving to the Annual Generosity Campaign a priority and prayerfully consider their 3-Year commitment to the Capital Campaign in addition to their regular giving.
14. Why is the cost for the sanctuary technology updates higher than estimated?
There are several reasons for the increase.
1) The pandemic revealed the need to be able to not only have good AV in the sanctuary but the ability to record and produce a good on-line service as well.
2) The need for the ability to do more contemporary styles in the Sanctuary for at least the next 18 months.
3) The architectural lighting in the sanctuary is going on the blink and had to be moved up on the priority scale and included now instead of with building upgrades later.