Designating Your Giving
When making donations to the church please make sure to clearly note exactly what the donation is for in the memo of your check. If a check is to be split between two designations such as operating budget and 2020 Vision capital campaign just put Operating (amount)/2020 Vision (amount) in the memo. This will help our volunteer counters account for your donations correctly so that they will be reflected accurately on your giving statement. If at any time during the year you need more or would like to start using offering envelopes please let Sharon Austin know at or 266-7541. Please leave a message and arrangements can be made for envelopes to be mailed or picked up at the church.
Countryside continues our ministries even though we are gathering in new ways! The church is the people - we are Called to Be A Church of Blessing! Please know that we are here for you, praying for you and helping to meet the needs of our community during these difficult times. Please give to support our vital ministries! You may click here to give online or send contributions through the mail:
Countryside UMC
3221 SW Burlingame Rd
Topeka, KS 66611-2006
Thank you Countryside for supporting our ministries and missions when you shop at Dillons! If you haven't yet signed up for community rewards, you may click here and search for Countryside United Methodist Church, Topeka or use our code: YP324.